Take Shape for Life with MediFast

Grace Wissler
Health Coach ID: 30026375
 Call me! 917-804-6868

Take Shape For Life

Trilogy of Optimal Health

What Is Optimal Health?

For many people "health" means feeling good, achieving a certain weight or being free from ailments or illness. At Take Shape For Life, "health" and more importantly, Optimal Health, extends far beyond these common associations to include physical, mental, and even financial health.

Several aspects of your life have a positive effect on your health; the more apparent aspects being proper nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate sleep. Factors negatively affecting your health include stress, pressure, time constraints, and the lack of financial stability. Optimal Health can be achieved by adopting the positive aspects - and eliminating the negative aspects.

Optimal Health can be broken down into three critical areas of life:

  • Healthy Body - physical health is the foundation of a happy and fulfilling life. Achieving a healthy body requires two things: 1) reaching a healthy weight using Medifast Meals, and 2) adopting the BeSlim philosophy which incorporates six core behaviors to help attain and maintain Optimal Health.
  • Healthy Mind - how we feel about ourselves also affects long term Optimal Health. Through personal development, learning ways to release stress, and creating time for ourselves, we take control of our lives. That sense of freedom breeds happiness - another key to Optimal Health.
  • Healthy Finances - debt causes stress - and stress can take a severe toll on both your physical and mental health. By managing and eliminating debt, learning ways to budget, and or seizing financial opportunities, you further yourself on the road to Optimal Health.

Take Shape For Life offers you the opportunity to achieve a healthy body, a healthy mind, and healthy finances. Together these three vital elements blend to form the Trilogy of Optimal Health - a specific lifestyle that elevates happiness and minimizes stress. Optimal Health allows us to become more alive. Optimal Health allows us to be difference-makers. By achieving Optimal Health, our possibilities are limitless!

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